Environmental assessment and quality projects
Assessment of the potential of eco-tourism in less- favoured regions of the European Union. Analysis of the Autonomous Region of Extremadura, Spain. European Commission - D.G. Enterprises. |
Assessment of forest management and chains of custody in accordance with the forest certification standards of the Forest Stewardship Council. In cooperation with the SmartWood programme of the Rainforest. |
Environmental assessment of projects aimed at the economic regeneration in mining districts. Ministry of Industry and Energy - D.G. for Mining. |
Environmental Impact Assessment of a hydroelectric substation in Allariz, Galicia. Ayuntamiento de Allariz (Allariz Town Council), Orense. |
Design and implementation of a sampling programme for soil, surface water and underground water in Interquisa (San Roque, Cadiz). In conjunction with ERM-España A. Junta de Andalucía (Regional Government of Andalusia). |
Design and coordination of a sampling project for modelling the quality of surface water in the drainage basin of the River Tagus (Tajo) in conjunction with the companies ITSEMAP Ambiental and Omicrom. Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo (River Tagus Water Authority). |
Industry inventory to assess pollutant loads on Cobo Calleja Industrial Estate (Fuenlabrada, Madrid), in conjunction with the company Covitecma S.L. Comunidad de Madrid - Consejería de Medio Ambiente (Madrid Regional Government - Regional Department for the Environment). |