Training, dissemination and environmental education
Courses and training sessions on the protection of the marine environment for public administrations: Spanish Navy, Maritime Service of the Civil Guard, Coastal Demarcations and Maritime Rescue Service. Biodiversity Foundation. Ministry for Ecological Transition and the demographic challenge. |
Review of the structure and contents of the biodiversity conservation web pages of the Ministry of the Environment. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. |
Participation in lectures (teachers) in the courses of International cooperation for University Jaume I of Castellón, both in classroom and virtual (e-learning). University Jaume I of Castellón. |
Participation in lectures (teachers) in the Protected Natural Areas Master Autonomuos University of Madrid. |
Organization of courses on trade control of protected species for personnel of the Service for the Protection of Nature (Seprona) and Central Operations Unit of the Civil Guard, Ministry of Agriculture Food and Environment. |
Participation as teachers in the Master on CITES and trade control of protected species International University of Andalucía. Baeza. |
Book on Europe’s nature and on the Natura 2000 network. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Courses on designing and financing projects concerning nature conservation and regulating trade in endangered species. Ministry of Environment /National Centre for Environmental Education. |
Collaboration in the Editorial Committee of the Natura 2000 Newsletter, a quarterly publication by the European Commission on nature conservation projects. |
Course for Specialists in Recycling Techniques. Technical-Professional Training Programme. Instituto Madrileño de Formación - IMAF - (Madrid Training Institute), Comunidad de Madrid. |
Course for waster water treatment plant operators. Technical-Professional Training Programme. Instituto Madrileño de Formación (IMAF), Comunidad de Madrid (225 hours). |
Course in environment and sustainable development. Strategies and Policies of the European Union. Technical Job Training Programme. Instituto Municipal para el Empleo y la Formación - IMEFE - (Municipal Institute for Employment and Training), Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Madrid City Council). |