Planing, consevation and management of the natural environment |
Technical and Scientific Support in relation to the implementation of the “Habitats” (92/43) and “Birds” (79/409) Directives. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Priority actions in the marine Natura 2000 Network for the period 2021-2027. Biodiversity Foundation. Ministry for Ecological Transition. |
Technical and Scientific Support for the implementation of the Action plan for nature, people and the economy. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Strengthening investments in Natura 2000 and improving synergies with EU funding instruments. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Technical support to the elaboration of the IUCN Mediterranean and North-African Programmes 2017-2020, in collaboration with IUCN Programme Coordinator and Programme officers. IUCN. Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation. |
Review and evaluation of the Strategic Plan for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Natural Heritage in Spain (2011-2017). Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Environment. |
Technical assistance to Forest Stewardship Council in Spain (FSC Spain) for the promotion of forest certification in Natura 2000. |
Technical assistance for the development of the Priority Action Framework for Natura 2000 Network in Spain(2014-2020). Biodiversity Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. |
Evaluation of forestry management and chains of custody in Spain and Portugal according to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Standards. SmartWood/ Rainforest Alliance- Nepcon. |
Assessment of the suitability of FSC certification for game management in Mediterranean forest ecosystems. WWF/ Spain. |
Support to the development of a guidance document on electricity, gas and oil transmission infrastructures and Natura 2000. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Guidelines on the management of farmland in Natura 2000. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Technical assessment on Member States compliance with the Community environmental legislation. Support in the context of complaint and infringement procedures. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Technical assistance in the implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species CITES. Spanish Ministry of D.G. for Nature Conservation. |
Improving the Structure and Contents of the Web Pages for Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity. Spanish Ministry of Environment. D.G. for Nature Conservation. |
Guidelines on the management of farmland in Natura 2000. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Technical Assistance in relation to the implementation of the Convention of Biological Diversity. Spanish Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine. |
Workshop on “Biodiversity and adaptation to Climate Change. Spain and Climatic Change: Biodiversity outside protected areas, good practice and resources for adaptation to Climatic Change”. La Casa Encendida – Corporate Social Responsibility of Bank Caja Madrid. |
Developing new concepts for integration of Natura 2000 network into a broader countryside. The Green Infrastructure. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Management Models for Natura 2000 sites. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Guidelines for non detrimental extraction of sharks. Ministry of Environment. D.G. for Nature Conservation. |
Wildlife and Sustainable Farming Initiative. Technical assistance in the development of a strategy for the European Union for nature conservation in farmlands. European Commission, D.G. |
Identification of ecological corridors for the Natura 2000 network. Environment Agency, Murcia Region (Spain). |
Monitoring and assessment of LIFE-Nature projects in Spain, Portugal and Romania. European Commission, D.G. Environment. |
Technical assistance in drawing up the National Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity. Ministry of Environment. D.G. for Nature Conservation. |
Cost analysis of management measures for the implementation of the Natura 2000 network of protected natural areas. Ministry of Environment. D.G. for Nature Conservation. |
Studies of wolf management in habitats fragmented by highways. Ministry of Environment – Junta de Castilla y León (Castilla y León Regional Government). |
Drafting the action plan and national strategy for biosphere reserves. Spanish Committee of UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere Program (MaB). |
Producing the report “Conserving Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems”. Ministry of Environment. D.G. for Nature Conservation. |
Coordinating the Biodiversity Strategy for Galicia. Xunta de Galicia (Regional Government of Galicia). |
Drafting the report “Biodiversity Conservation in Forest Systems”. Ministry of Environment. D.G. for Nature Conservation. |